Companion Pet Cats…
Nutrition Services…
When you are caring for a loved one, the last thing you need on your plate is to worry about food.
Charlaine’s two greatest passions in life are helping people cope with transitions that aging brings, and food. She loves to cook!
As your personal chef, Charlaine offers a great recipe for reducing stress and improving health, all at a very affordable price.
“My Personal Chef”: How does this work?
We start with a meeting to discuss the food needs for your loved one. With a wealth of experience, Charlaine understands the food and nutritional needs of seniors, and knows how to make food more appealing to those who suffer from dementia.
Charlaine works with you to plan healthy meals that fit within your budget. By careful planning, we reduce or eliminate wasted food (and wasted money). Then she comes to your home and prepares the meals that you need for the week. If you need food shopping, Age Transitions can make that a part of the service.
Variety is the spice of life, and Charlaine enjoys ethnic cooking. We can plan a menu that offers a fun variety of healthy eating choices!
Supplemental Nutrition
Charlaine has also found most families are trying to keep Mom and or Dad at home, “safe and happy”. Unfortunately, so many older adults do not get the nutrition they need – they don’t want to cook “just for me” or their appetite is poor. Vitamin deficiencies that can result in confusion and lowered immunity are common as we age.
Juice Plus is whole-foods nutrition, real fruits and veggies, in capsules or gummies. The capsules provide vitamins A, C, & E. The Juice Plus shake mix is a complement that has all the B vitamins and vitamin D. AND one scoop of shake mix provides 32% of the dietary fiber we need each day. Learn more at this link.
Set-up your free consultation to see how Age Transitions’ nutrition services can help with food budgeting and your health.